Experimental search for the chiral magnetic effect
题目: Experimental search for the chiral magnetic effect
报告人: 王福强
报告人单位: 普渡大学
报告时间: 2023-05-22 16:00
报告地点: 物质科研楼A608+Online
主办单位: 中国科学技术大学核与粒子物理学科

Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME) is a phenomenon in which electric charge is separated by a strong magnetic field from local domains of chirality imbalance and parity violation in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). While sensitive to the CME, the charge-dependent three-point azimuthal correlator Δγ is contaminated by a major physics background proportional to the particle elliptic flow anisotropy v2. To mitigate the background, many innovative methods have been invented, including isobar collisions on which a blind analysis was performed. In this talk, I will review the experimental efforts in searching for the CME and discuss future perspectives on the CME.


王福强博士,湖州师范学院和美国普渡大学教授,中国科学技术大学客座教授;1988年6月毕业于我校近代物理系核物理专业,1996年5月毕业于哥伦比亚大学,获博士学位;美国物理学会会士,曾担任STAR谱物理工作组和喷注与关联物理工作组的召集人(Convener);2002年获美国能源部核科学部“杰出青年研究者奖”;是国际上知名的高能实验核物理学家, 从事高能重离子碰撞物理研究30余年。