10-12 December 2021
Asia/Shanghai timezone
After the release of the EicC English whitepaper, scientists at Institute of Modern Physics together with collaborators around the world have started the activities for the preparation of the Conceptual Design Report. In this workshop, the convenors of various physics topics and detector subsytems will discuss the ongoing efforts and the near future plan. The goal of the workshop will be: 1. Prioritize the flagship physics/measurements at the EicC. 2. Disucss the uniqueness of the EicC physics program and its complementary role with EIC and SoLID. 3. Discuss the requirements of the flagship measurements on detector subsystems. 4. Draft the physics session of the CDR. Hotel/酒店: 深圳中海凯骊酒店 (机场打车到酒店约1小时,火车站深圳北站到酒店大概半小时)
Starts 10 Dec 2021 08:00
Ends 12 Dec 2021 18:00
The Chinese University of Hongkong, Shenzhen 香港中文大学深圳分校
Organizers: Bowen Xiao, Hongxi Xing, Qinghua Xu, Yuxiang Zhao, Jian Zhou