Led by the High Energy Physics Association of China, we are exploring possible future collider project post BEPCII/BESIII. High Intensity Electron Positron Advanced Facility (HIEPAF) in the tau charm energy region is one of the options. HIEPAF would provide unique opportunities for understanding the QCD in the energy region that bridges the perturbative and non-perturbative QCD; study the physics with tau lepton and charm quarks; search for new forms of hadron and explore the structure of hadrons; search for possible new physics beyond the Standard Model at high intensity and high precision frontier.
The proposed HIEPAF covers the center-of-mass energy of 2-7 GeV and has peak luminosity of 1x1035 cm-2s-1 or higher at 4 GeV and possible polarized beam for physics at the tau-charm sector. It will also serve as a 3rd/4th generation synchrotron radiation facility (SRF), and has the potential for the study for free electron laser (FEL).
A workshop for the high intensity physics in the tau-charm sector will be held on Jan. 13-16 2015, (Jan. 13, participater arrival and registration, Jan. 14, begin for talks, the registration can be prolong to Jan. 14) at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in Hefei, China. The purpose of the three-day workshop is to gather the physics community interested or already engaged in similar projects to review the physics in the tau-charm energy sector and the related progress of current experiments; to ascertain the discovery potential at the high intensity frontier, and to discuss the design of the accelerator and the detector.
Starts 13 Jan 2015 08:00
Ends 16 Jan 2015 19:00
University of Science and Technology, China
Jinzai Road 96#,
Hefei, Anhui, CHINA