26-27 June 2019
Jun 26: MPDB, USTC; Jun 27: Building 3, NSRL, USTC
Asia/Shanghai timezone
This workshop has two purposes. First, to promote the preliminary conceptual study of the accelerators of the Super Tau Charm Facility in China. Second, to discuss the frontier of the technologies for the next generation circular colliders and other accelerator facilities. All advanced techniques, not only for circular rings, but also for linacs, FELs and other facilities, have a lot in common, and all the colleagues will benefit from more extensive collaboration.

The workshop intends to provide an ideal venue for both accelerator physicists and engineers. The workshop will be held in the Department of Modern Physics and National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China during June 26-27, 2019.

​Location: June 26th: Room 210, Modern Physics Department Building, University of Science and Technology of China (East Campus, USTC) June 27th: Room 101, 3# Building, National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China (West Campus, USTC)

The topics of the conference is listed below:
1) Accelerator physics.
2) Beam instrumentation, including beam and IP feedback system and diagnostics.
3) RF system.
4) Control System.

There's no registration fee for the workshop. For accommodation, there is a "JiangNanChun" Hotel near USTC that costs 248 CNY/night for a standard double bed room.

Starts 26 Jun 2019 09:00
Ends 27 Jun 2019 18:00
Jun 26: MPDB, USTC; Jun 27: Building 3, NSRL, USTC
Modern Physics Department Building, University of Science and Technology of China (East Campus); 3# Building, National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China (West Campus)