20-22 September 2015
Asia/Shanghai timezone
- ephy@ustc.edu.cn
- +86-551-63607194
We will arrange transportation connection between Gaosukaiyuan Hotel and the campus. The JinJiangZhiXing Hotel is about 5 minutes walk to the West Gate and 15 minutes walk to the South Gate. Maps: Taxi information: 请带我到高速开元大酒店. Please take me to the GaoSuKaiYuan Hotel.
Please take me to the South Gate of USTC (on Taihu Road). 请带我到科大西门(金寨路门). Please take me to the West Gate of USTC (on Jinzhai Road).
请带我到合肥南站. Please take me to the Hefei South Station.
Please take me to the Hefei Xinqiao Airport. |